A former RN, I now write horror novels, specializing in post-apocalyptic fiction. I’m mom to three sons, one of whom was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of ten. We left the city in 2022 to settle in a tiny rural town, hoping to find healing after facing some life tragedies. Here “in the middle of nowhere,” where our family is surrounded by nature, life is a bit slower. It was here in rural America where we discovered some social injustices. After years of being silenced by others, I have found my voice and am using it to make a difference.
We homestead off-grid on 120 acres of mountain wilderness. I raise rabbits, chickens, and goats. A good amount of my time is spent in the company of our five dogs. I love hiking, hunting, foraging, photography, cooking, crafting, and writing. I’m happiest with a cup of hot tea in one hand and a dog on my lap.